06th February 2014 – Lockup Completed / LININGS Stage Now Started

Just paid brick invoice only a day or two ago and this morning another invoice for LININGS was delivered in my email box, thanks to the technology. I was under the impression that all invoices will be paid upon completing the jobs and I kind of jumped on my seat saying OMG speedy work done by EBH looks like we need to start packing soon, but I was wrong because linings invoice was to be paid before the commencement of this stage – what a shame, huge amount to pay for something which has not been delivered. Spoke with the bank and they had no issues paying as long as I am happy to repay hahaha – but bank will not release the last payment which will be the next one, until bank has done the final valuation and insurance taken for a amount agreed with the bank to cover any loses with the property.

Spoke with the accounts department at EBH and they were happy to have this invoice paid upon completion because she thought this stage will be completed by early next week anyways and happy to accept payment late next week. But I still asked my back to pay the half of the invoice amount in case and half will be paid next week once linings stage is complete.

Also visited site last night, but did not find much difference or updates. No eaves yet and most importantly SS is still missing as I have not heard from him from last 2 weeks. I believe he is still on holidays and due back Monday next week.

A few things happened in last 48 hours after my last visit which was on Tuesday the 4th. Today visited again and and found the electrical work was fully completed, Insulation was done in the entire house, Architraves around the windows were also done, Gyprock and Cornices were delivered as you can see in the main living room and most importantly Bricks on some parts of the house were also cleaned and they now look very neat and clean. Linings invoice was also paid yesterday which was issued just one day after I paid bricks invoice.



Main Bedroom


Living Room

Living with Kitchen

Bed Rooms



Clean Bricks


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